LsList directory contents. Syntaxls - Option(s) - Option(s) file.This built-in is just like `ls -F', but much faster.l List files in long format `ls -l'll List files in long format, showing invisible files `ls -la'Options-@ Display extended attribute keys and sizes.-1 (The numeric digit 'one'.) Force output to be one entry per line.This is the default when output is not to a terminal.-A List all entries including those starting with a dot.Except for.
The Apple key, also known as the Command key, is labelled with Cmd and the quadruple loop symbol: The Apple key is used with a single letter key for many of the Mac's most common actions: Apple-S saves in most common applications, for instance, and Apple-P prints. Apple-T opens a new tab in your web browser. Close Mac windows quickly. Command-W, Option-Command-W: The first of these will close whatever active window you are using, while the second one will close all the windows in the currently active.