Drivers License Barcode Data Format 5,9/10 7305 reviews

OverviewThe parser supports all versions of the AAMVA Driver License/Identification specification (2000, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016) used in the USA and in Canada. Pre-specification codes (before 2000) are currently not supported. Encrypted codes issued in Georgia before 2012 are also currently not supported.The encoding of card holder information has changed significantly between revisions of the DL/ID specification (most notably between 2000 codes and later codes) and the same piece of information is encoded differently, depending on the version. We provide a subset of the information as part of the:ref:unified-label, which exposes the fields in a version-agnostic way.In addition, the implementations of the specification vary strongly between jurisdictions, as many of them don’t implement the specifications correctly. If you are experiencing trouble when scanning certain DL/ID cards, we suggest to contact the Scandit team to resolve the issues. Exposed FieldsThe data in DL/ID codes is encoded into data elements. A data element is uniquely identified by its data element ID.

Some data elements are mandatory (present on every code) while others are optional. Fields, including mandatory ones, vary between specification versions.

It is thus required to handle these versions differently.Further information about the data elements can be found in the DL/ID specifications on the.The first field is the header field. Its raw content is empty. Its parsed content is a dictionary with following key/value pairs:.“AAMVAVersion”: integer (0-99).“jurisdictionVersion”: integer (0-99).“IIN”: 6 digit numeric stringAAMVAVersion corresponds to the version of the specifications that is implemented in the code: 0=pre-specification, 1=2000, 2=2003, 3=2005, 4=2009, 5=2010, 6=2011, 7=2012, 8=2013, 9=2016.jurisdictionVersion is a jurisdiction specific version number of the implementation.IIN is the Issuer Identification Number which uniquely identifies the issuing jurisdiction.If the AAMVAVersion is. “unified” fieldThe “unified” field is always present. Mandatory Fields for spec version 1 (2000)Following data fields are always present in a version 1 code:Data Element IDMeaningParsed ContentDAADriver License NameDAGDriver Mailing Street Address 1DAIDriver Mailing CityDAJDriver Mailing Jurisdiction CodeDAKDriver Mailing Postal CodeA ZIP code is parsed as a dictionary with following key/value pairs:.‘5digit’: 5-digit postal address (ZIP).‘9digit’: 9-digit postal address (ZIP+4)Note that only certain jurisdictions encode the full 9-digit ZIP codes. Therefore the ‘9digit’ field is often empty or contains the padded 5-digit codes.

Aparajita tv serial title song 2016. Generally you will want to use the 5-digit code as it is reliably present. Both fields may be empty.DAQDriver License/ID NumberDARDriver License Classification CodeDASDriver License Restriction CodeDATDriver License Endorsements CodeDBADriver License Expiration DateA date is parsed as a dictionary with following key/value pairs:.‘day’: DD.‘month’: MM.‘year’: YYwhere DD, MM and YYYY are two-digit, respectively four-digit integers.DBBDate of Birththe same as ‘DBA’DBCDriver Sex (‘F’ or ‘M’)DBDDriver License or ID Document Issue Datethe same as ‘DBA’. Optional Fields for spec version 2 and later (2003+)Following data fields are sometimes present in a version =2 code:Data Element IDMeaningParsed ContentDAHSecond line of street portion of the cardholder address.DAZHair color.


Parser OptionsThe parser can be configured by providing a JSON string containing key / value pairs.The following configuration options are available:KeyValue TypeDescriptionstrictElementIdVerificationBooleanThe parser defaults to accepting any kind of (three character) entry ID. Enabling this option only allows custom entry IDs beginning with ‘Z’.ignoreCutOffElementIdBooleanThe parser returns an error if the last element ID is cut off. Enabling this option tells the parser to ignore these cases and not return any error.

The South Carolina DMV driver license and identification cards contain a. SCDMV 2-D Barcode Data Content Format. Data Element.

Identity theft and driver's licensesElisabeth Hall and Kenneth Hall are concerned about identity theft and driver's licenses, at their home in Metuchen. 4/16/15 (Ed Murray NJ Advance Media for Elisabeth Hall visited a doctor earlier this year, the office manager wanted to make a copy of her driver's license.' I willingly showed him my driver's license but asked him to not make a copy,' Hall said. 'I explained that by viewing it, he could confirm my identity from the picture, but I didn't want a copy of my license made a part of their office records. It contains info which can be used for identity theft and they don't need it.'