Aspect of the Turtle Cancelaura Macro. /cancelaura Aspect of the TurtleThis macro allows you to cancel your, which isuseful because while Aspect of the Turtle is active, you cannot perform anyattacks. With this macro, you can use Aspect of the Turtle to avoid a specificboss ability and then quickly resume DPS.We advise using the above macro separately from your normal Aspect of theTurtle keybind, even though having a single macro for both is common. Thereason we advise against using the two together is that it is very easy toaccidentally cancel Aspect of the Turtle, especially if you are spamming yourkeybind. Petattack MacrosIt is a good idea to include a command to force your pet to switch to yourcurrent important target. We recommend tying this line to abilities likefor Beast Mastery Hunters,for Marksmanship Hunters, andfor Survival Hunters, as these are abilitiesyou tend to use on your primary target. For Beast Mastery, it should also beput in a macro, so that you can useyour Multi-Shot button to also manage your pet's target, and thus its positionto maximize Beast Cleave benefit.
#showtooltip Kill Command. /petattack. /cast Kill Command. #showtooltip Multi-Shot. /petattack. /cast Multi-Shot. #showtooltip Aimed Shot.
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/petattack. /cast Aimed Shot. 2020: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary. 24 Jun.
2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary. 14 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed for Crucible of Storms and no changes are necessary. 10 Dec. 2018: Added a line to the Intimidation Macro. 12 Aug. 2018: Updated for Battle for Azeroth launch.
07 Aug. 2018: Added a few useful macros.
31 Jul. 2018: Added the Basic Attack macro.