Note: Before you dive into the specific brand review, we highly recommend you to read our elaborate in advance, there are several crucial steps you need to take before you even start to think about the brand.Heil and Tempstar are made by International Comfort Products (ICP), a large manufacturer of residential heating and air conditioning equipment. ICP is owned by United Technologies, the parent company of Carrier and Bryant. Most Heil and Tempstar HVAC products are distinct from Carrier and Bryant but identical to regional ICP brands like Comfortmaker and Arcoaire.This Tempstar and Heil heat pump guide is designed to allow you to research heat pump models, their efficiency and performance features plus heat pump prices by model and size. Heil and Tempstar heat pump installation costs are included, so you’ll have a clear idea of what to expect when you get estimates from local dealers.If you’re still deciding if a heat pump is the right choice for your home, there’s a wealth of information in our Heat Pump Buying Guide with brand reviews, sizing a heat pump and much more.
Heil and Tempstar Heat Pump Unique FeaturesThere are several performance features worth noting in these Heil and Tempstar heat pumps. Consider these and Heil heat pumps pros.The top models, the Heil QuietComfort Deluxe 18 HVH8 and the Tempstar Deluxe TVH8 with SmartSense feature condensers with compressors with 5 unique stages of heating and air conditioning ranging in capacity from 25% to 100%. Low-capacity heating and air conditioning is more efficient, quieter and more precise. The 19 SEER is good; the 11 HSPF heating is near the top of the industry.
TEMPSTAR/LT/NB/ VENTLESS/S Technical Manual. Rev S. P/N. Personnel of any problems and of the location of the service breaker.
Only Carrier and Bryant top models with 13 HSPF are more efficient when heating.The Observer thermostat is WiFi-enabled for remote monitoring and control. This can help you lower energy use, turning your system down while you’re away, and turning it back up before you arrive home. The unit does not have geofencing like the. All heat pump models from these brands can be used in dual fuel systems with a gas furnace. Dual fuel, also called hybrid, systems are ideal for cold climates.
The system heats with the heat pump when temperatures are above the switch point, which is usually set in the mid-30s Fahrenheit. When the temperature drops below the point, the system automatically switches to the furnace for heating, and back again when temperatures rise. Dual fuel systems cost more than an AC and gas furnace split system, but they’re operating costs are lower.Finally, Heil and Tempstar offer 10-year and 5-year complete unit replacement warranties on most models. If the compressor fails during that time, the entire outdoor unit will be replaced.
Tempstar and Heil Heat Pump ConsThe brands don’t make modulating heat pumps, as most top brands do. Modulating, also called variable-capacity, compressors offer the most comfortable heating and air conditioning and the highest efficiencies.
See the Lennox XP25, for example, with a SEER rating of 23.5 compared with the 19 SEER of the best from these brands. The 5-speed compressors of the top model from each brand is the closest thing to it.Here’s the good and bad of communicating HVAC systems. Heil and Tempstar offer ICP’s version of communicating technology called Observer. See the table below for models it’s available with as an option. In communicating HVAC systems, the components share conditions and performance data to coordinate the most precise heating and air conditioning the system can produce. This offers maximum efficiency and control.The downside is that communicating technology is slightly more susceptible to mechanical/control board issues.
Each communicating technology is proprietary, so if you choose this option, you’ll need the Observer wall control thermostat, an upgrade of about $400. We recommend that you read our before buying one of these expensive systems. Heil and Tempstar Model Reviews and RecommendationThere are 10 heat pump models divided into three series to group them by performance and efficiency. This table summarizes the essential features of each. System InstalledDeluxe HVH8Deluxe SmartSense TVH819$3,635-$4,695$5,635-$7,745Deluxe HCH6Deluxe TCH617.5$3,255-$4,300$5,255-$7,400HSH6TSH616$2,635-$3,525$4,635-$6,600HSH5TSH516$2,475-$3,335$4,475-$3,285HSH4TSH414$2,160-$3,085$4,100-$6,115NXH6NXH615$2,200-$3,115$4,185-$6,025NXH5NXH515$2,075-$3,000$4,085-$5,950N4H4N4H414$1,695-$2,550$2,695-$5,600N4H4.CN4H4.C14$1,455-$2,365$3,425-$5,365NH4H4NH4H414$1,225-$2,295$3,125-$5,415The Tempstar Deluxe and Heil QuietComfort Deluxe heat pumps are offered in sizes from 2-5 tons, or 24,000 BTU to 60,000 BTU.
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All other models range from 1.5 tons (18,000 BTU) to 5 tons.This table of Tempstar and Heil heat pump prices is useful when comparing prices with the many other brands we’ve reviewed. Just use our search box to find other brand heat pump reviews.Note that the installed cost includes the labor required plus all necessary parts such as a pad to place it on, refrigerant line sets and refrigerant. If the heat pump you’re installing has performance features such as two-stage heating that your current thermostat doesn’t support, you’ll need a too. The $400 for the QuietComfort wall control for Observer-optional models is not included, since it is not standard equipment.
Heil and Tempstar Heat Pump Prices by Size. $3,375-$6,5003.5 ton1901-2200 sf$1,745-$3,885$2,825-$6,9454 ton2201-2600 sf$1,935-$4,275$3,775-$7,1505 ton2601-3200 sf$2,295-$4,695$4,265-$7,445Knowing what size heat pump you need is an essential factor in the buying process. Your HVAC pro should use industry-standard load calculations like the Manual J test to determine heat pump sizing to match your home’s climate, size, layout, building materials, orientation and more factors.If your home’s energy efficiency has been upgraded since the last heat pump was installed, then you might need a smaller heat pump this time. Upgrades that increase energy efficiency include attic insulation, energy-efficient replacement windows and a solar-reflective roof. Will help you identify upgrades that have been made and others to consider.This table prices heat pumps from these brands by size. Keep in mind that the range for each size starts with the least efficient, single-stage models to the most efficient, HVH8 and TVH8 heat pumps.
Shared Prices and Reviews By Reader. Home Size$4,230Comfort DXT+ 3 tonAustin, TX3000 sqftThe 3 ton 18 SEER is one of the efficient Heil pumps I have found in the online market. I have had this heat pump for three years, and I am yet to have any issues with its performance. It does give not only good value for your money as to the question of price but also efficient in performance. The one challenge I experienced was during installation. The pump has a quite complicated system, and unless you one of the certified HVAC technician, you need not be installing the unit all by yourself.
You better off hire a qualified and experienced professional to do the work. If I need to purchase another pump, I will purchase from Heil again, I would highly recommend this.$3,600Comfort DXT+Dallas, TX2200 sqftMy 2 ton Heil DXT+ heat pump works well. I bought this one after my neighbor recommended that I purchase this brand. I bought my Heil DXT+ pump about five years ago, and it is still working efficiently. It performs a great job by keeping my house warm in winter and also cooling the room during summer. I have not done any repairs or replacements so far.
I recently added some heating and cooling central air system because I wanted an upgrade.$4,200Comfort DX 3Florida1900 sqftSo far it has shown great performance and I like it. It comes with a five-year compressor warranty and the parts warranty. It is so mute compared to other units that I had before and also more efficient and reliable. It uses up little space and can perfectly fit into spaces that some units cannot.
It is energy star rated making it the best option because the energy star rating is an assurance that this is an excellent product. I would recommend this to my friends and family, and If I were to buy another heat pump, I would buy this exact model.$7,200Comfort DXT+CA3200 sqftBad experience. My neighbor installed Trane XR15 for less than $7000 and my contractors ask me $3500 for the installation.$3,930HC4H Horizontal 4 tonQuakertown2800 sqftThis unit has brought down my electric use as compared to the old 16 seer system I had before.$8,8005 ton Heil 16Cincinnati, OH3900 sqftMy ten-year-old 5 ton Heil entry heat pump is still running efficiently. The only part I ever replaced was the blower motor once in the ten years it has served me.
The outdoor unit has not been replaced yet.If you have the heat pump installed by a qualified technician especially an HVAC technician, then your heat pump will last longer, and you will not have to replace or repair the unit now and then. Proper installation is essential for any heat pump. Also, buy from a well-known company like Heil and any brand will obviously last.How to Get the Best Heil Heat Pump Prices?. Firstly, keep in mind that installation quality is always the most important thing for heat pump project. So never sacrifice contractor quality for lower price.
Secondly, remember to look up the. Thirdly, ask for at least 3 bids before you make the decision. You can for your local contractor, and this estimate already takes rebates and tax credit into consideration and filter unqualified contractors automatically.At last, once you chose the right contractor, remember to use the tactics from this guide: to get the final best price.Feel free to ask any question by leaving a comment, we will answer any question with actionable tips. Copyright © 2014-2020, PICKHVAC All Rights Reserved.
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Heat Pump Troubleshooting Can Be TrickyIf your space has a heat pump system that provides both heating and cooling, it may seem like there are twice as many possible causes when something goes wrong. A heat pump system does operate somewhat differently than a traditional air-cooled air conditioner. So how do you begin heat pump troubleshooting? And are there heat pump repair issues you can fix yourself?In some cases, there are issues you can prevent and problems you can solve on your own when you are aware of the heat pump troubleshooting steps.
Here is a list of the most common problems we see with heat pumps, possible causes, and what to do next.Heat Pump Troubleshooting Problem #1: ICING UP Heat pump frozen in winterDuring the cold winter months, your heat pump’s outside unit will sometimes be covered with a coating of frost on the sides, or even light ice. In the winter, heat pump icing up is often perfectly normal. Every so often, the unit will go into defrost mode to remove that frost.However, if the top of the unit has a heavy coat of ice, the coils are encased in ice, or the entire unit is covered with a thick sheet of snow and ice, this indicates a problem. All that ice prevents the transfer of heat between the refrigerant and the outside air, and impedes the operation of the heat pump. If you don’t take care of it soon, you could damage the unit beyond repair. Ice in the coils can damage the sensitive fins, the fan blades, and eventually lead to compressor failure.Heat pump troubleshooting tips for winter icing:.
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The unit is not defrosting. Under normal conditions, your heat pump periodically switches to air conditioning mode for a few minutes, which heats up the outdoor coils enough to melt any frost and light ice that has accumulated. If the unit is not defrosting, ice can build up in a hurry. Defrost issues can be caused by faulty relays, controls, or sensors. There could also be a problem with the reverse valve that switches the unit from heat to air conditioning mode. Outdoor fan problem. The fan motor may be failing or completely dead.
Or the fan itself could be damaged, which impedes the release of heat from the unit and causes ice to accumulate. Low refrigerant. If your heat pump system has a slow leak of refrigerant, eventually the charge becomes so low that the system is not producing enough heat to melt the frost. If this is the case, you will probably also have issues with the unit reaching set temperature. Outdoor unit is blocked. If piles of snow have accumulated around the outdoor unit, the impeded air flow can cause more icing.
Water is leaking onto the unit. Water constantly dripping on the unit from leaky gutters can gradually form a layer of ice on top.HOW TO DEFROST A HEAT PUMP:. Actually, let’s start with what you should NEVER do: use a hard or pointy object to try to chip away the ice! Those fan coils are very delicate and can easily be damaged.